How long have you been a Trustee volunteer?
I am the newbie Trustee! I was very privileged and excited to become a trustee in May 2023. There are so many opportunities to become involved and help the existing team at HRH.
Why did you decide to become a Trustee at Hopton (HRH)?
Living in the countryside and enjoying all things outdoor together with my existing business interests have made this a very natural fit. I realised, when invited, that I could utilise my extensive Board Room experience to help this well deserving charity. The Board of Trustees together with the wonderful volunteers have a common vision and desire to make HRH a place of trust, honesty and well-being for humans and animals alike.
What benefits are there in volunteering?
For me, every day is a school day at HRH. Whilst I have significant experience of being a trustee and working with country products the Equine sector is teaching me plenty. Working with the rest of the team in order to help individuals, families and horses is incredibly rewarding.
What are the +/- of being a Trustee at Hopton?
Obviously, there can be very sad days when experiencing the suffering of others and the horses we are to care for. However, these are heavily outweighed when we achieve great results in order to facilitate a better life for the animals in our care and the people, we come in to contact with.